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Alison Cope Visited Y5s at Nether Edge

It was a privilege to welcome Alison Cope into school in early February.

Alison is a safety and anti-violence campaigner who works across the UK. You might have seen her recently on The One Show.

She talked passionately to the children in Y5 and Y6 about keeping themselves safe online and in person.

The main messages were around:

1. Being brave - speaking up with any worries at all

2. Love - this is the most important thing

Alison lost her own son and did share this with the children. They were so respectful towards her and listened so well to incredibly powerful messages.

This is linked to work we do in school in our curriculum about staying safe.

If you want to find out more about Alison’s messages, please see her website

Please talk to us in school if you have any questions at all.